Tag: Fitness

But Seriously, How Does Tennis Scoring Work?

Tennis can be a thrilling sport to watch. It’s intense, super fast-paced,

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

Your Guide to the 2024 Summer Olympics

Whether you’re a casual sports fan, a rabid must-watch-it-all viewer, or simply

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

Step Workouts Are Suddenly Cool Again—And the Benefits Go Way Beyond Cardio

What’s more, stepping is traditionally a pretty low-impact workout, which can be

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

How to Do Anjaneyasana (Crescent Lunge)

Although you might be familiar with doing lunges in your every day

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

20 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

A solid list of go-to bodyweight exercises is like an insurance policy

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

The Best Hokas for Long Walks and Quick Strolls

Cushy and colorful pairs that really go the distance.Courtesy of the brands

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

How to Get Back Into Working Out After an Injury

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something,

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

I Tried the New Google Smartwatch—Here’s Who I Would (and Would Not) Recommend It To

Wearables like fitness trackers and smartwatches have been around for well over

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

Brown Fat And White Fat: Everything You Should Know: HealthifyMe

People commonly associate weight loss with building muscle and reducing body fat.

Sam Hubbert Sam Hubbert

Pump Your Biceps Up Using Just Your Bodyweight With These 6 Moves

It’s tough to have brag-worthy arms if your biceps are lagging. But

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley