Tag: Fitness

Sumo Vs. Conventional Deadlift: What Are the Differences?

In the health and fitness space, there are a number of fearsome

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

You Can Do a Muscle-Up. Here's How

Unless you’re already a trained gymnast, bar muscle-ups are one of the

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

How to Train Type 1 Muscle Fibers for Greater Endurance

If your goal is to PR a marathon, climb a mountain, or

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

The Superman Is the Core Exercise Your Workout Might Be Missing

Any workout move that has you lying on your stomach may sound

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

What Is My Body Type, and Can I Train for It?

In the 1940s, a University of Houston professor named William Sheldon coined

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

The Right Sports Bra Can Make Running Easier and Less Painful—Here Are the Best Ones

We love a soft, strappy bralette when we’re lounging at home—but certainly

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

How to Do the Clam Shell Exercise to Fire Up Your Side-Butt

Anyone who spends a lot of the day sitting could probably stand

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

After Testing Dozens of Pairs, We’ve Found the Very Best Leggings for Excercise

Not to toot our own horn, but we know a thing or

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

These Are the Shoes You Want If You Have Plantar Fasciitis

You can have plantar fasciitis with flat feet, high arches, wide feet,

Kayne Collins Kayne Collins

Reduce Soreness and Accelerate Recovery With a Contrast Bath

A contrast bath (or contrast water therapy) is a technical term for

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley